Thursday, May 24, 2007

Erotic Romance Does Not Mean Porn

Anya Bast has a new release coming out in June called Witch Fire. Witch Fire is the story of a young woman who discovers she has magical ability associated with the element of air. She is paired up with a male witch who controls fire, and let me tell you, the sparks do fly!

Anya writes steamy paranormals, but more satisfying than the sex (which is HOT) is the character development and engaging plot. I was not a regular reader of erotic romance, but with the likes of Anya and my other pal Ellie Marvel writing the genre, I've happily expanded my scope.

Some folks mistakenly equate erotic romance with pornography. They couldn't be more wrong. In a good erotic romance there are characters you want to have as friends, who you care about; the story lines are well plotted and exciting. The love scenes enhance the story, bringing the hero and heroine together on an emotional level as well as a physical one. Anya and Ellie give you the whole package.

To me, porn is a collection of sex scenes strung together by the thinnest of story threads without the benefit of characterization. Porn is meant to titillate, not tell a story. But that's my opinion. Your idea may differ.

Check out Anya and Ellie. You'll like what you see. And buy their books!!!



At 11:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, thank you so much!

There's a lot of badly written erotic romance out there, but there's lots of badly written historicals, inspirationals, contemporaries, ect out there too.

In a well written erotic romance the sex scenes should further the development of the romantic relationship and the plot. That's my opinion, anyway. :)

~ Anya

At 7:13 AM, Blogger Jody W. and Meankitty said...

It's ironic that the non-romance writing & reading public thinks romance is nothing but porn. Does that make romance porn, because most people "know it when they see it?" No. But then a good number of romance writers think erotic romance is porn. Ironic. Erotic romance writers, on the other hand, think porn is porn :)

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Cathy in AK said...

It is ironic that some romance writers think erotic equals porn. You'd think folks within the business would be more savvy to the distinctions.

But the definitions of romance and porn are in the eye of the beholder. I doubt we'd be able to convince EVERYONE that there is a wide range of sensuality in romances, but we can try : )


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