Monday, October 16, 2006

American Title 3—And So It Begins

As of 11a.m. EST today, the polls for voting on the first line of the American Title 3 finalists’ novels has begun.

Am I nervous? Yes. And no.

Yes, because now it’s up to you to vote and tell the Romantic Times and Dorchester whose line grabs you the most. Because there will be comments from the three judges, and while voting is anonymous and somewhat distant, direct comment can be nerve-wracking. I want you to like my line best and there are 9 others saying the same thing and only 8 of us will go on to the next phase!! ACK!!!!

No, because I’m happy just to be here. I’m not being humble when I say I was surprised to get this far, or that it’s an honor to be a finalist. No matter how much I like my work, or if my critique partners, friends and family tell me how good it is, when a complete stranger who has no cause to spare your feelings tells you you’re good enough to be one of ten in a national contest, it’s a rush. Being in the company of writers whose works have won or finaled in numerous contests, including some biggies like the Golden Heart, is an incredible stroke to my writerly ego.

Do I want to win? You betcha! But it’s icing from here, folks. I got the cake when I got the “You’re a finalist” email. (And as thrilled as I am about this contest, I’m still hungry to be multipublished no matter what the outcome.)

So go to or send a blank email to webmaster@romantictimes.dom with HAUNTED in the subject line and there’ll be a little something special in it for you ; ) Okay, not really, but I’ll be VERY happy, so that has to be worth something. Go. Vote. And thank you!



At 2:19 PM, Blogger BestDayEver said...

You KNOW I'm voting for you (okay...did it already). This is a great book--and for those who want more--there's an excerpt on her site now.

At 4:08 AM, Blogger Tracy Montoya said...

Good luck, Cathy! I'm heading over to vote as soon as I drop the kidlets off at daycare. (And work is paying me for this--shhhh.) Your excerpt on your website (which I discovered courtesy of Sharron) rocked.

At 10:26 AM, Blogger Meretta said...

I know what you mean being among some great contest winners. Wow!

Best of luck, Cathy. :D

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Cathy in AK said...

Back at ya, Meretta! : )


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